The Bradner Fire Department was formed on February 7, 1894, when twenty-five men volunteered to serve as firemen for the Village of Bradner. The village council purchased a hose cart and a Howe Pumper with 50 pounds of chemicals for the pumper, at a cost of $555.50. They also purchased 400 feet of hose at a cost of $0.40 per foot. This was the official beginning of the Bradner Fire Department. An equipment house was built measuring 24x12x8 feet to store the fire equipment. In 1895, Council purchased 18 pairs of white duck pants for the fire department, at a cost of $5.88 per pair. Due to the hose car and Howe pumper requiring the use of horses to pull it, the village council on December 4, 1902, offered a $5.00 prize to the driver and team of horses that arrived first at the fire station to drive the equipment to and from the fire. On April 13, 1929, the village council voted to purchase a 1929 Model A Ford fire truck from the Prospect Fire Equipment Company for $3,000. The truck was a deluge triple combination pumper, chemical and hose truck. The pump capacity was 300 gallons per minute at 120 pound pressure. The truck was delivered June 11, 1929. This was the village's first motorized vehicle and it is still owned by the village and maintained by the fire department today.
In 1955, the present fire station was built by the firemen with the funds coming from the street carnivals and donated to the village upon its completion. This would house a 1950 Ward LaFrance pumper and the 1929 Model A Pumper. In 1954, the fire department purchased a Chevrolet panel van to act as a rescue truck. Later in the 50's, a 1949 Cadillac Hearse was purchased as an ambulance to take care of firemen that were injured at the fire scene. It would soon be recognized by the community as an ambulance service and the EMS part of the fire department was born.
In 1973, the first EMT training class for the EMS was established. These classes continue on a regular basis today, issuing certificates for CEU's (Continuing Educational Units). Bradner EMS had individuals in the first Advanced EMT class when it was started and made available in Northwest Ohio. The Bradner EMS is one of the only services that does not have the support of tax dollars, but survives on revenue from the transport charges, donations to the fire department and fundraisers.
In 1975, Bradner EMS became part of the Wood County EMS system. Bradner received a new 1975 Chevrolet Ambulance through a state grant to Wood County. After a few years, Wood County decided to get out of the ambulance business and gave the ambulance, along with the receipts, back to the Village of Bradner. The EMS used the 1975 ambulance until it was replaced in 1989 with a 1981 model. In 1979, through fundraisers, the Bradner Fire Department purchased a 1979 Chevrolet Van Type ambulance as a backup ambulance. In 1994, a new International ambulance was purchased at a cost of $85,000 dollars, replacing the 1981 and 1979 ambulances and was used until it was replaced in 2006, with a new International ambulance at a cost of $171,000. In 2014, a second International ambulance was purchased at a cost of $270,000.
In 1976, when the 1950 Ward LaFrance was returning from the Northwest Ohio Volunteer Fireman Association Convention, the engine was blown and was replaced with a 1976 Chevrolet Engine that had a 1,000 gallon per minute pump and carried 750 gallons of water. That engine was replaced in 2001 with a KME Custom Engine with a 1,500 gallon per minute pump that carried 500 gallons of water, but was set up for Fire/Rescue and had a 9000 watt hydraulic generator with a 6000 watt light tower and carried the extraction equipment. It had a capacity of carrying 10 personnel and cost $267,000. In 2009, a second engine was added from HME with a 12,000 watt hydraulic generator and a 9,000 watt light tower. This truck also had a 1,500 gallon a minute pump but was set up for strictly fire and carries 6 personnel, at a cost of $360,000. From 2000 to 2015, we have been running around 300 calls per year.